Johan Stahre is a Professor, innovation manager, and community-builder in the field of production & manufacturing. He is proud to head a division of truly amazing people focused on Production Systems, at Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg, Sweden.
About 40% of his time he co-directs the Swedish Strategic Innovation Programme, Produktion2030, which funds national production innovation, research, education, and upskilling. During his career Johan has had strategic and operational roles in the building of several large innovation ecosystems, nationally and internationally.
Johan is deeply involved in the European manufacturing research agenda and has the honour to contribute to initiatives at the World Economic Forum.
Johan Stahre has been a guest on 1 episode.
Episode 104: A Scandinavian Perspective on Industrial Operator Independence with Johan Stahre
November 30th, 2022 | Season 3 | 44 mins 1 sec
automation, factories of the future, human skills, human-centric, manufacturing, modern production systems, operations, production systems, robots, shop floor innovation, worker independence